Welcome to Stability Within where
women live with a healthy mindset around aging and get past the nagging mental treadmill.
Head over to the Blog to learn more!​
Mary G. Nichols
4x Health Coach Certified
Mastery Level Life Coach
Mary is passionate about encouraging others and helping women to live with a healthy mindset around aging, to break free from limiting beliefs, to see possibilities, and to live as the woman God created and designed them to be.
A little bit about myself...My life, like many of yours, has not been without difficult seasons. There have been unexpected life changes, health diagnoses, loss and grief, a sense of feeling stuck and anxiety around uncertainty, and the battle which lingered inside by the story I told myself. Then one day...
I was ready to lean in, get curious, make some changes, forgive some hurts, and release "the things" which held me back. Wow! What a difference. The uphill, energy-draining aspects of life faded away. I can now say that life rolls out with an element of ease, enthusiasm, joy, and with a Stability Within not of myself but of God. With it comes a freedom to live joyfully which isn't wiped out by challenging circumstances when life gets messy.
My coaching clients have experienced it, and you can, too. See testimonials below.
Contact Mary to learn more about her Coaching Programs and
subscribe below to hear more about making this season your BEST!
Mary Nichols's Bio
Mary served 30 years in Education as teacher, instructional supervisor, and administrator. After retiring, Mary continued to learn. She is now 4x Health Coach Certified in the areas of Pregnancy, Young Families, Adult Health, and Prime Time Health. Additionally, she is a certified Life Coach, Transformational Coach, and Mastery Life Coach.
Mary began coaching in 2018 and later created Stability Within, in January of 2020. Through her blog, "Moving Forward with Mary on StabilityWithin.com, along with her Facebook group and her 1-on-1 coaching sessions, she has helped many women transform their lives.
Mary Nichols is passionate about encouraging others and helping women live with a healthy mindset around aging, to break free from limiting beliefs, to see possibilities, and to live as the woman God created and designed them to be.
She believes each new day is a gift from God in order to look for the blessings, to learn something new, and to use our unique gifts and talents to make this world a better place.
Mary looks forward to having you join the community of
Stability Within where women are learning to live energized, love fully, and
impact the world for as long as they live!
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Mary Nichols
Transformational Life & Health Coach
for Women